What's New in Walmart Tools for Suppliers?

Updated 1 month ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Thanks for sharing your feedback with our teams! Based on your input, we're continuing to add new features and make updates in areas such as Supplier Onboarding, Cost & Negotiations and Item Management.

September 2024

As of September 18, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.

May 2024

Supplier One

New enhancements

  • New compliance attributes have been added to the setup and maintenance spreadsheets in Supplier One, and requirement level varies depending on an item's product type. Learn more about the new attributes here.
  • Changes to the Claims and Returns Scorecard, which helps you identify item opportunities and root cause sooner, include:
    • Renamed the "Returns” tab “Customer Returns” for clarity. 
    • Added visibility to claim reasons by category, including Walmart handling fees.
    • Added a new “Trend” tab with visibility to actual claims spending, current defectives (swell or soft good) allowances in your vendor agreements, and your estimated allowance based on the last 52 weeks of performance. 

March and April 2024

Supplier One

New features

  • If you made item submissions via Walmart APIs, you can now view them in the Supplier One Submission manager. This allows you to track the status of all item submissions in a single location whether you used APIs or workflows in Supplier One. 
  • You now have more options to accurately describe issues and ensure tickets are routed to the correct team. The new additions include Login & app access, Supplier profile & agreements, Orders & shipping, Item, Review accelerator, EDI, API, DDIR, and Deductions.
  • The cost attribute has been added to the DSV Order Management view, and suppliers who use APIs can also retrieve the attribute via the integrations. This provides DSV suppliers with all the essential attributes when viewing and managing their orders. 

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where ship node submissions did not always appear properly in the Supplier One Submission manager. This fix provides a consistent experience when tracking your ship node submissions.
  • Fixed an issue where some deductions groups and categories on the Deductions page did not show up in the filter options. You will now see a consistent breakdown of groups and categories on the Deductions page and when applying filters. 

February 2024

All Owned and Drop Ship Vendor suppliers for the U.S. market now have access to Supplier One. Below is an overview of what's available now in Supplier One and what's coming. Click here to view it as a PDF.

December 2023

Item Management

New features

  • The brand registration workflow now includes email verification so all suppliers can complete the process in days, not weeks. With this enhancement, we will send a 36-digit code to the email address(es) of the trademark contact(s). Enter the code in Item 360 to verify your brand registration request.
    • Watch this video to learn more about the benefits of brand ownership.

September and October 2023

Item Management

New features

  • If you try to download a Product Content & Site Experience maintenance file for items that span more than 30 Product Types, the system will now separate the items into multiple files. This will help reduce the number of download failures while providing more transparency into why you will get several files rather than one.

August 2023

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • Suppliers can now register a brand, which ensures you have access to view and manage all your brands in one place and that you own product content for items in the brand. With top ranking for these items, your content submissions will appear on Walmart.com.
  • While you will continue to use Item 360 to manage eCommerce cost changes, the file is changing and rolling out by departments. You will download a new file that requires you to provide Orderable Pack Cost, Effective Date, and Expiration Date. Previously, only Unit Cost was required. Learn more about the rollout and changes here.
    • The following attributes will be optional: Supplier Recommended Retail ($/unit), Cost Driver (cost change reason), Cost Driver Percentage, and Cost Driver Portion of Item Cost.
    • With these changes, the eCommerce cost maintenance file will have the same format as the Store cost maintenance file. If you enter eCommerce and Store Walmart Item Numbers in Item 360, your download will generate two files. You can now combine all the items in one file before uploading your updates. We are working to consolidate the downloads so that you only get one file in the future.   
  • All suppliers can now access Walmart Supplier APIs using a new token-based authentication mechanism – OAuth. This gives us the ability to define API access by supplier contract type (i.e., DSV or Owned) to support complexities of the 1P business while providing the foundation for additional capabilities in the future. Previously, Walmart was only able to provide API access to suppliers with active DSV contracts, and any supplier with API access had access to all APIs available.   
  • A new API platform has launched to support an On-Request Reporting platform for suppliers to download large data sets via API. Get near real-time data quickly in a single report.
    • The first report available with this platform is “DSV Inventory”, which provides comprehensive inventory levels for all DSV items across your active ship-nodes. The data pulled in the inventory report is less than 1 hour old. 

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the cost submission status in Item 360 was not updated after merchant approvals. You can now see the accurate status in Item 360, and we will continue to look into remaining instances for additional fixes.
  • Fixed an issue in Item 360 where the Basic Export in the Item Configurations view of the catalog still showed content quality scores from the previous scoring model rather than the updated one. This fix reduces confusion as the content insights and content quality score in the Basic Export now match the data displayed elsewhere in the tool.
  • Fixed an issue in the v/3 Get all Items API where the value in the SKU field was being incorrectly returned. Getting the correct SKU reduces issues in reporting as the SKU is a primary identifier for suppliers.

July 2023

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • DSV facility maintenance capabilities are now available in the Supplier Onboarding tool (VIP) to ensure that users going through onboarding and internal setup on behalf of (OBO) DSV suppliers can view, create, and update their facility information in a single location. Previously, these capabilities were spread across both Supplier Center and VIP and created an inefficient experience. 

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Request for Clarification (RFC) prompt in the messaging section of your supplier dashboard remained with no ability to remove it.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • The improved content quality scoring model for 1P items weighs core attributes and product type attributes that capture more relevant and accurate data to enable greater discoverability and help customers build more confidence in their decisions. The weighing of these components is now consistent across all product types. You also have visibility to all content opportunities and can easily enrich content that will improve the item's content quality score and the customer experience.
    Learn more about content quality enhancements here.
  • All Apparel suppliers can now view their completed item and shipper quotes in Item 360. Critical information from Supplier Quote is pre-populated and not editable when you continue the item and shipper setup process.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused duplicate spreadsheets to download. This reduces confusion and provides a smoother item setup and maintenance experience.

May 2023

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • You can now set up D85 Photo Services items in Item 360 using the setup spec or in-app workflow. Previously, Item 360 had no setup spec for Photo Services and your merchants had to use the legacy setup spec to create the items on your behalf.
  • If you're a DSV Supplier who uses DSV Inventory Management APIs, we have updated the APIs. You and your technical partners will receive a separate communication with more details. All development on your side must be completed before August 2023 to ensure business operations continue smoothly. The highlights of these updates are:
    • The primary identifier used for inventory updates has changed from SKU to GTIN. 
    • Search (i.e., reading inventory levels) supports either GTIN or SKU, and both identifiers will return in the response. 
    • A simplified item data structure significantly improves processing speed and system performance. 
    • A new read request enables an inventory-level view for an item across multiple ship nodes. This view includes on-hands inventory and two additional attributes: reserved inventory for customer orders and the inventory amount that is available to sell. 
  • DSV Suppliers can now download a maintenance spreadsheet in Item 360 to manage the availability code and quantity (on-hand inventory) of DSV items in all DSV facilities or a custom set of facilities. This workflow uses the GTIN as the standard product identifier rather than the SKU, which was used in Supplier Center. 
  • Select DSV Suppliers can download a maintenance spreadsheet in Item 360 to manage the fulfillment lag time of DSV items in all DSV facilities or a custom set of facilities. This workflow uses the GTIN as the standard product identifier rather than the SKU, which was used in Supplier Center. 
For questions about DSV Inventory Management APIs or the DSV maintenance workflows in Item 360, refer to these FAQs.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Walmart Item Numbers of shipper content items did not auto-populate when setting up GDSN-synced shippers in Item 360.  

April 2023

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • The Request for Clarification (RFC) enhancement in GSE unlocks and highlights the relevant Supplier Onboarding tiles to guide suppliers to make corrections or upload new documents as instructed. Once a supplier has completed their edits, the tile validations will run again and trigger any required tasks based on the new responses.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • As announced during the first Category Advisor Summit in August 2022, we must continue evolving to meet omnichannel needs as retail constantly changes. Category advisors remain important partners to our team and will provide day-to-day support on our most critical tasks. They will attend an Item 360 inform session and begin assisting with item attributes to help improve search results, content quality, and conversion. These attributes include the Product Name, Site Description and Key Features, and Product Type attributes. By providing high-quality content, we can directly influence customers’ ability to find the items they are looking for, which helps convert searches to purchases.
  • The shipper setup spec in Item 360 is now generated from the same back-end system as all of our other item setup and management specs. This allows the shipper creation workflow in Item 360 to easily adapt to spec changes in the future.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the size of the status icons on the activity cards in the Item 360 Activity Manager, which makes it easy for you to see if supplier action is required. 
  • Fixed an issue so the Item 360 Activity Manager always show results. Some users experienced intermittent results due to an underlying data issue.
  • Added a validation upon upload in Item 360 to ensure that category advisors only submit product content updates.
  • For category advisors in Item 360, Accounting Department and Fineline are now shown on item cards in the Catalog by default and will be included when exporting the product content.
  • In Item 360, added a validation upon login for category advisors to check their Country Code for access. This ensures that category advisors will see the correct view of Item 360.
  • Improved page load times in Item 360 by reducing server calls on the following pages: Item Setup Questionnaire, Bulk Product Maintenance, Create New Item Configuration workflow, Catalog Products view, and the Product & Offer Overview (from the Item Configurations view).

March 2023

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • In Item 360, we have completed the rollout of item setup and maintenance by Product Type. These Product Type-based specs allow you to provide more relevant information during setup and maintenance to enrich the content quality of your items. The 80 Categories for item setup have been migrated to 6,700 Product Types. Moving forward, we are monitoring usage and incorporating your feedback to continue improving the specs.
  • As part of the content quality enhancements we're making in Item 360, you can now export items that have content insights to review the recommendations before making edits in bulk for the Product Name, Images, Site Description, and/or Key Features.
  • When viewing Products in the Item 360 Catalog, you can now view the relationship of an item in the context of a bundle. The Bundle Relationship Overview shows the parent item or other sibling component items in a single view. 
  • The Rich Media maintenance spreadsheet in Item 360 is now generated from the same back-end system as all of our other item setup and management specs. This allows rich media feeds to go through upfront validations to help reduce data errors.

Bug fixes

  • In Item 360, fixed a small issue in the item setup questionnaire where the lists of Product Types and Categories were slightly different between Quote item setup and regular item setup. This enables a few categories that were not available for selection previously during Quote item setup.

January – February 2023

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • DSV facility maintenance has been consolidated in the Supplier Onboarding dashboard (VIP). Previously, Walmart.com DSVs had to jump between Supplier Center and VIP to create and maintain their profile settings (Contacts & Facilities) during onboarding and maintenance respectively. Now, these suppliers can create and maintain their facilities within the Supplier Onboarding dashboard to continue to maintain their profile settings from a single location.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • Error messages have historically been shared across user roles, which has caused some confusion. By adding specific capabilities for Item 360, suppliers can now view curated, custom error messages pertinent to their role for improved error handling.
  • The current GTIN validation has been enhanced to include a price-embedded GTIN validation. If the GTIN provided during item setup in Item 360 has a 2 in the second or third position, the GTIN must be set up as price-embedded. This validation ensures accurate setup of price-embedded GTINs and finds errors before item setup is completed.

Bug fixes

  • ‘My Item Proposals’ has been renamed ‘Item Proposals’ to provide a consistent user experience in Item 360.
  • Fixed an issue that impacted the scrolling functionality and item counts displayed on the Item Proposals page in Item 360.
  • Fixed an issue in Item 360 where suppliers had trouble downloading Basic Export files for large datasets. 
  • Fixed an issue in Item 360 where some suppliers were not able to view their Catalog in certain scenarios or had to refresh the page to view items.
  • Added a Sellable GTIN validation in Item 360 to ensure only correct data is entered in the system to prevent downstream impacts.

December 13, 2022

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • A banner's been added so you can “Invite a User” to your account immediately after registration and landing on the Supplier Onboarding dashboard. This is useful if you don't have all the information needed to complete the initial three steps of Supplier Onboarding (Company Information, Tax, and Product Submissions) – but one of your peers does. By allowing another user to complete these tasks, you can keep moving forward in the onboarding process.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • We've updated your Item 360 Home page to provide information that is more useful to you. When you have items that require attention or have recommendations, you'll still see the tiles under Critical Action Items. A new chart shows the content health of published items in your catalog, and you can click on a section of the chart to quickly view and edit items within a specific content quality score range. We've also added helpful links to articles that will help you get started and other key notes, and tips to remember when filing case tickets to our Item 360 support team.
  • In Item 360, item setup specs by Product Type are now supported in the Quote item setup workflow. This will help you improve the Content Quality Score for newly created Quote items and ensure a consistent user experience across the item setup workflows.
  • When you set up or maintain items in Item 360, specs are now available for the 19 Product Type Groups listed below. These specs include attributes that can help you improve the content quality of your items:
    • Cardio Equipment, Dogsledding, Floor Hockey, Skating 
    • Office Furniture Accessories 
    • Table & Dining Accessories 
    • Indoor & Outdoor Safety 
    • Safety Wear 
    • Coffee and Tea Appliances & Accessories; Cooking Utensils, Gadgets, & Accessories 
    • Costumes 
    • Trophies & Awards 
    • Skin Care Tools 
    • Baby Bath & Potty, Baby Nursery & Crib Accessories 
    • Ironing, Vacuuming, and Steaming Parts & Accessories 
    • Computer Accessories, Digital Storage, Phone Accessories 

Bug fixes

  • Pre-item (i.e., Item Proposal) uploads were not supported from the global upload in the Item 360 left navigation menu, causing file submission errors. You can now upload pre-item files using the global upload, which saves time because you no longer have to go to the Item Proposals page to upload pre-item files in Item 360.
  • In Item 360, implemented additional validation on the Orderable GTIN when setting up Quote items. You should only use the Consumable GTIN as the Orderable GTIN if you are setting up a 1/1 pack configuration. This will reduce the creation of incorrect configuration packs.
Supplier Support

New features and enhancements

  • Support resources vary depending on the area or tool you are working in, and there was previously no guidance on who to contact or where to go. When you click the "?" icon in Retail Link, you'll now select from a series of drop-down menus to be directed to the proper support (e.g., case tickets, email, or phone number). This will help ensure that your issue routes correctly and reduce the amount of tickets that are worked on more than once (and by multiple agents) before a resolution is reached.

October 26, 2022

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • To make the cutover from Supplier Center to the Supplier Onboarding tool (VIP) seamless for profile maintenance for Walmart.com Drop Ship Vendors, a data pipeline has been built to connect facility information between the two applications.
    • With this release, facilities maintained by suppliers in Supplier Center can be viewed in VIP in near real-time. This work forms the infrastructure for the future when create and edit capabilities will also be available in VIP, centralizing all facility maintenance capabilities in one location.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • In the Products view of the Item 360 Catalog, custom filters allow you to search for and save product attributes to filter on – on top of the existing default filters. This enhancement allows you to tailor your Catalog view further for more specific Product-level data, so you can quickly find and download information for your items.
  • All contracted suppliers can now upload item proposals directly into Item 360. This is the first release of three as part of the Assortment Excellence (AEX) integration with Item 360, which aims to collect a larger breadth of available assortment from our supplier community.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in Item 360 where the View Variant page was missing the Base Variant ID, Item Setup Category and Main image URL.
  • Fixed an issue where trade item configuration data still pre-populated during single item setup in Item 360 when you selected to build a new configuration of an existing GTIN. 
  • In the clone workflow (i.e., Create new item configuration) in Item 360, fixed an issue where validation failed because the system was submitting an each even when the cloned item did not have one.
  • Fixed an issue in the Item 360 Catalog > Item Configuration Overview > Key Features edit workflow where the “Learn More” link did not work.

September 29, 2022

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • To continue supporting electronic invoicing for many of our Direct Store Delivery (DSD) suppliers, we have directly integrated the Supplier Onboarding tool with Direct Exchange (DEX), a third-party provider that generates electronic invoices for goods, where Walmart may only pay the supplier based on the number of items sold. As part of onboarding, DEX suppliers now provide your Comms ID (if applicable), a unique vendor number key generated by DEX, and your DUNS number so that we can effectively integrate Walmart and DEX systems to generate electronic invoicing for the appropriate Supplier ID.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Verified button to display inconsistently. This reduces confusion for verified suppliers who do have valid banking information.
  • If an APEX API call fails, you will see an error message. Previously, the status was marked Invalid when an error occurred.
Cost Management

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the activity statuses weren’t updated in Item 360 after merchants approved costs in PAL.  
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • When completing the item setup questionnaire in Item 360, you should select the Product Type that best describes each new item. Categories have been added back under the Product Type Groups and are often identified with “- Other” after the Category Name (e.g., Electronics - Other). Please only select a Category if you do not see a Product Type that matches your item, and let your Walmart merchant know if an expected Product Type is missing.
  • When providing Key Features directly in Item 360, they are required to be in bullet-only format. This aligns with standards in the Product Type specs and ensures that customers have a consistent experience as they find and buy items on walmart.com. The minimum number of required bullets will vary based on the Product Type of your item. Check the attribute definition for the required and recommended number of entries. Headers and numbered lists are no longer supported in Key Features.
  • The Image attribute is one of the four main attributes that contribute to an item’s Content Quality Score. In Item 360, you can now view content insights pertaining to the number of images the item has and quickly make updates directly from the Product & Offer Overview page to help improve the item’s content quality.
  • If you recently uploaded item proposals while onboarding with Walmart, you can now view and upload additional item proposals directly in Item 360.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in Item 360 > Supplier Quote (item) setup where the GDSN validation error did not appear when you encountered the error. This fix reduces confusion by accurately reflecting the error and action to resolve it.
  • In Item 360, resolved the Product Type mapping issue for Department 79 so the Breastfeeding Supplement Product Type can be found correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Spice Level attribute was not showing in item maintenance spec sheets downloaded in Item 360.
  • In Item 360, added “No Door” as a closed-list option for the Door Type attribute to unblock item setup for the following Product Types: Bookcases, Media Storage Cabinets, and Television Stands.

September 22, 2022

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • In the item setup questionnaire in Item 360, Digital Delivery / eDelivery may only be selected for supported departments to help ensure only non-physical items (e.g., eGift cards and downloadable video games) are set up as eDelivery. This will reduce confusion with physical items being incorrectly set up as eDelivery and vice versa. Learn more in the eDelivery FAQs.

September 14, 2022

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • In the Supplier Onboarding tool, suppliers who want to grow their business with Walmart can now map their facilities to agreements. This mapping was previously executed offline between Replenishment teams and suppliers using the Lead Time Audit form. Accurately mapping data between 9-digit Agreement IDs and facilities will improve lead time calculations made by Supply Chain and Replenishment teams. 

Bug fixes

  • Automatically refresh Partnership Level Contact status when a supplier has entered all mandatory contacts in the Supplier Onboarding tool, which will reduce calls to the Retail Link help desk.
  • Fixed a number of issues to help reduce onboarding cycle time: Unable to complete onboarding when a task was approved, task was still triggered when banking information was verified, specific tasks were incorrectly being generated for all suppliers, inconsistent results for address lines 1 and 2, and an error for bank validation was appearing in the Agreement Management Application (AMA).
Cost Management

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where back-end systems failed if you added rows to data error correction sheets and your merchants did not receive submissions to review. You will now see an error message if rows are added to your correction sheets.
  • Fixed cases where some items for which no DCs were found in the Pricing Action table were incorrectly classified as Corporate.
  • Fixed an issue in the Cost & Negotiation tool (PAL) to remove duplicate reviews from back-end systems.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • The Title and Description Insights feature in Item 360 is now called Content Insights and has been consolidated into the Catalog - Products view. The updated tile on the Home page shows you the total count of items with insights in your Catalog. You can review the insights and edit the items directly from the Product and Offer Overview page. This enhancement also allows you to filter and export your Catalog based on content insights.
    • These insights are suggestions to improve the content quality of your items, not errors.

Integrations and optimizations

  • If you manage items for multiple markets, you will now select a market to view upon initial login to Item 360. You can switch between your markets (e.g., United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan) using the market selector in the global header in Item 360. When you log out of Item 360 and log back in, you will see the market last viewed in your previous session. 

Bug fixes

  • Added a tooltip in Item 360 to show help text when bundle items incorrectly show inventory as 0. This reduces confusion by showing inventory as ‘NA’ for bundle items because the inventory information is not available on the parent level. 

September 1, 2022

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • If you set up and maintain domestic Apparel items that do not go through Supplier Quote, your specs have transitioned from Category to Product Type. These new specs include additional attributes that can help you improve your items' content quality.
    • You may complete the self-paced, on-demand training course here to learn more about what you will see and the processes in Item 360. The course is also accessible via Retail Link > Academy > Courses > Merchandising > Item 360 | Basics & New Omni Item Spec. If you run into issues accessing this course, please refer to this article.

August 26, 2022

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • You may now download a spreadsheet in Item 360 to set up multibox items, which is the new terminology for inflex kits. Previously, you set up the bundle components and merchants had to unpublish them before grouping the components together under one Sellable GTIN in the Bundle Access Management tool. Multibox item setup in Item 360 allows you to set up the Sellable GTIN and bundle components at the same time. 

August 4, 2022

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • In the Supplier Onboarding tool, we have created a single source of contact information for all Suppliers, including DSV and Walmart.com Owned Suppliers. Merchants, Buyers, Replenishment and Logistics teams previously spent hours navigating multiple systems to determine which facility contact was tied to a specific agreement. This feature decreases the amount of supplier engagement, which reduces support tickets and saves time during the onboarding cycle.
  • In the Agreement Management Application (AMA), an API now provides the ability to validate that a bank account is currently owned by the legal name of the Supplier. If the validation is true, the bank details will not require additional approval. If false, an additional review will be required by the MDM team. This feature reduces the need for the MDM team to conduct manual checks of bank account information and ensures that Suppliers are providing accurate information that meets compliance standards.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • When setting up items and maintaining product content in Item 360, you may notice a transition from Category to Product Type. These changes are rolling out to select departments at a time and include additional attributes that can help you improve your items' content quality.
    • You may complete the self-paced, on-demand training course in Supplier Academy, which you can access via Retail Link > Academy > Courses > Merchandising > Item 360 | Basics & New Omni Item Spec. If you run into issues accessing this course, please refer to this article.
  • Real-time, upfront error validations in Item 360 now support all item setup file uploads with fewer than 50 items (excluding multibox setup). These validations occur when you upload item setup spreadsheets and check the file for criteria such as (but not limited to): Missing required content like the Main Image URL or attributes that have been incorrectly provided due to formatting issues or selections outside of closed list values. You can now fix these errors before trying to upload your data again.
    • Once your file is successfully uploaded, remember to check the Activity Manager for any additional errors.
  • When you download a Basic Export from the Item 360 Catalog for DSV items, your spreadsheet will include the following attributes: DSV - On Hands Inventory, DSV - Total Reserved Inventory, and DSV - Available to Sell Inventory.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused multi-select decimal attributes to break item setup and maintenance workflows directly in Item 360. 

July 20, 2022

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • When you want to update product content directly in Item 360, you'll now go to an enhanced version of the Product & Offer Overview page (available for all products except photo services and gift cards). As part of this enhancement, the Edit Product Content action has been removed from item cards in the Catalog. This consolidation creates a similar experience to the Item Configuration Overview, where you may edit item configuration and supply chain details.
  • When you customize the attributes that appear on item cards in the Products view of the Item 360 Catalog, you may now search for and add custom product attributes on top of the existing predefined set of attributes. This enhancement allows you to tailor your Catalog view further for more specific Product-level data, so you can quickly find this information and download it in Basic Export spreadsheets.
  • If you have items in Supplier Quote that are in "complete" status after July 18, you can view the item quotes and continue setup of the items in Item 360. Critical item information from Supplier Quote will be pre-populated and not editable during the item setup process. This feature is now available to all applicable departments (Apparel will be coming later).
    • You should continue using Online Item File to set up and manage Assortments, Import Shippers, and Import Apparel. Also, setup is not yet supported in Item 360 for: Store Apparel, Pharmacy, and Fees. Please continue using your current processes (e.g., legacy workflows or systems).

Bug fixes and minor enhancements

  • Fixed an issue in the Item 360 Catalog that caused filtering by Product Name to time out.
  • In the Item 360 Catalog, the Create new item configuration (aka clone or setup by match) action has been removed from Wireless Bundle item cards. This helps reduce confusion since items in a Wireless Bundle should not be set up through the single item setup workflow in Item 360.

July 12, 2022

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • All U.S. suppliers now have an alternative option for multi-factor authentication (other than phone number). This will enhance the security and governance of your data and reduce issues related to multi-factor authentication with your phone number.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • DSV suppliers may now customize the item cards to show DSV inventory attributes in the Products or Item Configurations view of the Item 360 Catalog. This allows you to quickly gain insights into the current On Hands, Reserved and Available to Sell quantities for your DSV items.
  • Error validations may occur when you upload item setup spreadsheets in Item 360 and check the file for common data errors such as (but not limited to): missing required content like the Main Image URL or attributes that have been incorrectly provided due to formatting issues or selections outside of closed list values. You can now fix these errors before trying to upload your data again.
    • Once your file is successfully uploaded, remember to check the Activity Manager for any additional errors.

Bug fixes and minor enhancements

  • Fixed an issue in the Item 360 Catalog where the Supplier ID filter wasn’t returning results when an ID applied was the same for a seller and suppliers.
  • Fixed an issue where item configurations displayed on the Product & Offer Overview page in Item 360 were inconsistent with Catalog views of the same product.
  • Fixed the URL redirection to point to the consolidated Item Configuration & Supply Chain tile in the Item 360 Maintenance Hub if you had previously bookmarked the old Supply Chain, Store Attributes, and Replenishment tile URLs.
  • Fixed an issue in the Item 360 Title and Description Insights where the number of "Attributes with issues” on the item cards did not match the highlighted attributes on the Edit Product Details page.
  • In the Item Configurations view of the Item 360 Catalog, the Create new item configuration (aka clone or setup by match) action has been removed from Shipper and Assortment prime item cards to reduce confusion since these configurations should not be set up directly in Item 360.

June 9, 2022

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • Suppliers may now accept customized Master Service Agreements (MSAs) created by legal and supplier administrators. This will decrease the overall cycle time for contract creation, increase the number of suppliers that Walmart does business with, and lead to growth in assortment and revenue for the company and our suppliers.

Bug fixes

  •  Resolved a bug that was preventing Purchase Order creation after Onboarding.
Cost Management

New features and enhancements

  • Suppliers may now submit National/Corporate cost updates for DC items in Item 360 using the same maintenance spreadsheet as DC-level cost updates. This also allows for Regional Distribution Center (RDC) cost updates, which apply the Corporate cost of the item across all RDCs.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • DSV suppliers in Item 360 can now gain insights into an item’s inventory and other facility-specific information – for each onboarded facility – from the DSV Facility Overview in the Products or Item Configurations view of the Catalog.

June 2, 2022

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • In Item 360, you no longer need to use a spreadsheet to edit item configuration and supply chain attributes for a single item. Edit these attributes directly from the Item Configuration Overview page (available for all products except photo services and gift cards).
  • In the Item 360 Maintenance Hub, we've consolidated the Supply Chain, Store Attributes, and Replenishment categories into one category named Item Configuration & Supply Chain. This makes it easier to find the attributes you want to update in bulk and reduces the number of spreadsheets you need to complete specific tasks.

Bug fixes

  • In Item 360, fixed a bug in the Catalog Product ID search functionality that disabled the search button when multiple alphanumeric Product IDs were entered.

May 1, 2022

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • Most suppliers may now submit all cost updates in Item 360 for eCommerce items (Online Only) and Store / Shared Items (Store Only / Store & eCommerce). As of May 1, the Cost Change Scenario application no longer supports cost changes. Item 360 will generate your cost maintenance spreadsheet at the configuration, corporate, or DC level based on the Walmart Item Numbers that you provide.
    • Suppliers for Store Apparel, Photo Services, Pharmacy, and Imports should continue to use your current processes until Item 360 supports these areas.

April 27, 2022

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • During the Create New Item Configuration workflow in Item 360, you can now enter a different GTIN for the new item configuration. This allows our system to automatically pre-populate relevant product and supply item attributes – even when the new configuration does not share the same GTIN of the item you're cloning.
    • In this workflow, we've also expanded the existing trade item hierarchies (i.e., trade item configurations or pack configurations) that you can select to reuse. Previously, the options only showed existing configurations for the Supplier Name / ID that you selected. Now, you'll see available pack configurations across suppliers that are associated with your Item 360 user account.
  • Your input is critical as we continue to add new features and make updates. To share your thoughts on using Item 360, click the new Share Feedback link at the top right corner of any page to provide your comments and upload a screen shot of your experience.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Activity IDs were not showing in Item 360 if you updated items directly in the tool.
  • Fixed an issue in Item 360 where data error messages were not shown to help you determine next steps and actions to take.
  • Fixed an issue where the Product History in Item 360 showed the same data for current values and new values so users can now see an accurate history of changes.
  • Fixed issues in Item 360 where some users did not see the shipper children on the Shipper Overview page or when trying to set up new shippers.

April 14, 2022

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • The Item 360 catalog now defaults to the Products view if you have not saved a default catalog view in your preferences. Based on your feedback, we've also removed the pop-up notification to customize your catalog.
  • To search the Item 360 catalog for Supplier Stock Numbers or SKUs with special characters (e.g., spaces, commas, or hyphens), you can now select "Undo Auto Formatting" to remove the commas that the system automatically adds where spaces are detected. For more details, see the instructions in this article.

Bug fixes

  • If the category of the existing item is invalid or can no longer be found during the Create New Item Configuration workflow in Item 360, the category selection pop-up window now includes product types. Remember to select a category or product type that matches the department of the existing item.

March 31, 2022

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • In the Supplier Onboarding Tool, you'll see user-friendly error messages if errors are found when uploading your catalog. This will help you correct errors so you can increase your assortment quickly.

Bug fixes

  • For modular agreements, removed the chemical question from the Supplier Onboarding Tool after you have accepted your agreement since this information has already been provided. MSA and BTA amendments will also be displayed on a new page of the agreement for better clarity.
  • In the Supplier Onboarding Tool, you'll now be notified by email if the banking information, admin user, tax ID, or company name has been changed. This reduces the risk of incorrect information appearing in your account.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • During the Create New Item Configuration workflow in Item 360, our system now automatically pre-populates relevant supply item level attributes – in addition to product level data – when you complete the item setup process. This enhancement simplifies the workflow by reducing the amount of data you need to provide from scratch.

March 16, 2022

Item Management

Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor issues in Item 360 that incorrectly identified valid GTINs as invalid when creating maintenance spreadsheets for Product Content & Site Experience and Rich Media.

March 2, 2022

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • During the Create New Item Configuration workflow in Item 360, you can select an existing trade item hierarchy (i.e., trade item configurations or pack configurations) to reuse. Or, you can create a new trade item hierarchy using existing or new trade items. This allows you to pull in relevant data for pack types like the Each or Case when completing setup of the new configuration.

February 28, 2022

Supplier Onboarding

New features and enhancements

  • If you're a new supplier, you can now set up your facilities before the vendor agreement acceptance is complete in the Supplier Onboarding Tool.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor issues in the Supplier Onboarding Tool, including issues with facility address auto completion.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • During the Create New Item Configuration workflow in Item 360, you can now select a category for the new configuration if the category of the existing item is invalid or can no longer be found. This allows you to continue setting up the new configuration in Item 360.

Integrations and optimizations

  • Look out for announcements in Item 360 that let you know when new features become available.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor issues in Item 360, including issues with items not being found in Product ID searches.
  • Fixed minor issues in Supplier Center, including visibility to all orders.

January 31, 2022

Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • Upon clicking the Filter icon in the Item 360 catalog, the panel opens with all sections expanded by default so you can easily find the filters you want to apply.
  • You can now customize the item cards in the Products view of the Item 360 catalog by more attributes: Brand, Brand Code, Color, Product Type, Shipping Dimensions, and SKU.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor issues in Item 360, including:
    • Issues with item configurations not being found in Product ID searches.
    • Missing attributes in Basic Export spreadsheets.
    • Labels and more attributes added to the Item Configuration Overview pages.

December 31, 2021

Supplier Onboarding

Integrations and optimizations

  • You can now search help articles in the Supplier Onboarding Tool by keywords or browse through the article categories.
Item Management

New features and enhancements

  • From any card in the Item 360 catalog, click Create New Item Configuration to create a new item from an existing item and reuse as much relevant information as possible to simplify the setup process.

Integrations and optimizations

  • All suppliers are now using the new version of the catalog, which has more robust Product ID search and filtering capabilities.
  • You can now search help articles in Item 360 by keywords or browse through the article categories.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor issues in Item 360, including:
    • Issues with Product ID searches (by WUPC or Supplier Stock Number).
    • Removing duplicates in Product Content & Site Experience maintenance spreadsheets.
    • Issues with customizing the item cards in your catalog.
    • Missing attribute values on the Supply Chain Details pages.

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