View Bundle Relationship Overview

Updated 5 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.

Here's how to view more details about products that are in item relationships (e.g., multibox items, wireless bundles, non-config bundles, virtual packs).

To learn more about these relationships, log in to Supplier Help and search for Omni Item Concepts: Bundling.
  1. In the Products view of your Catalog, click the Product ID search bar next to the filter icon.
    Copy and paste the Product IDs in the search bar. Remember to select the ID Type if you’re searching for multiple items (all of your Product IDs must be the same type). You do not need to select an ID Type if you’re searching for only one item. Then, click the Apply button.
  2. Click the three dots at the bottom right corner of the item card. Then, click Bundle Relationship Overview.

Multibox Items

A multibox item, also known as an inflex kit, is an eCommerce item that ships to customers in multiple boxes. Only the multibox item is sellable. While each component item (box) has its own GTIN, they are not available for purchase separate from the multibox. 

  1. Click the header and product name to expand each section.
  2. View details for the multibox item and each of its components.

Wireless Bundles

A wireless bundle is comprised of two component items: a wireless device and a SIM card. Only the wireless bundle is sellable. While each component item has its own GTIN, they are not available for purchase separate from the wireless bundle.

  1. Click the header and product name to expand each section.
  2. View details for the wireless bundle and each of its components.

Non-Config Bundles

A non-config bundle is a hard bundle where each component of the bundle can be sold as an individual item. The component items cannot be configured or changed, and the customer makes no choice or decision about the offering. One click adds all items in the bundle to the customer's cart.

  1. Click the header and product name to expand each section.
  2. View details for the non-config bundle and each of its components.

Virtual Packs

A virtual pack is a configuration (i.e., bundle or group) of a standalone item that can be sold in multiple quantities. Virtual packs can be used to drive purchasing and shipping efficiency for products that consumers tend to purchase in multiple quantities.

  1. Click the header to view details for the virtual pack(s).

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