Updated 4 months ago by Merch Transformation Change Management
As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.
Setup is not yet supported in Item 360 for: Assortments, Import Shippers (General Merchandise), Pharmacy, and Fees. Please continue using your current processes (e.g., legacy workflows or systems).
You can now create a new item configuration of an existing item directly from the Item 360 Catalog. This process, also known as cloning an item or setup by match, does not support eDelivery. To create a new item configuration of an existing eDelivery item (e.g., downloadable video game or e-gift card), please download and use the item setup spreadsheet.
In the Products or Item Configurations view of the Catalog, click the Product ID Search bar next to the filter icon.Copy and paste the Product IDs in the search bar. Remember to select the ID Type if you’re searching for multiple items (all of your Product IDs must be the same type). You do not need to select an ID Type if you’re searching for only one item. Then, click the Apply button.
Click the three dots at the bottom right corner of the item card. Then, click Create New Item Configuration.
Select some basic properties for the new item configuration.
If you enter this workflow from the Item Configurations view of the Catalog, these properties will pre-populate. You can update the Selling Channel, Fulfillment Method, and Supplier Name / ID if needed or clone all existing properties.
Selling Channel: Select Store Shared if the item configuration will be sold in stores and online or eCommerce if the item configuration will be sold online only.
Fulfillment Method:
If the selling channel for the new item configuration is Store Shared, select Ship to Walmart FC, DC, or Store under Owned or Direct Store Delivery under DSD.
If the selling channel for the new item configuration is eCommerce, select Ship to Walmart FC, DC, or Store under Owned or Ship to Customer under DSV.
Select a Supplier Name / ID for the item configuration from the drop-down menu of options.
Select a Contract Number from the options. The Contract Number must include the same department number as the existing item or item configuration you selected from the Catalog.
You may clone the GTIN of the existing item or provide a new GTIN.
Click the Next button.
If the category of the existing item is invalid or can no longer be found, you'll need to select a category or product type that matches the department of the existing item. Then, click the Next button.
If trade items are found for the existing item, you can reuse them for your new item configuration.
Build new configuration: Create a new trade item hierarchy for the new configuration using existing or new trade items.
Start with existing configuration: You'll see available pack configurations across suppliers that are associated with your Item 360 user account. Select an existing trade item hierarchy to reuse for the new configuration.
If multiple configurations exist for the Sellable GTIN and you entered the workflow from the Item Configurations view of the Catalog, the configuration matching the item you selected in Step 2 appears at the top of the list.
Click the Next button.
Complete and submit setup of the new item configuration:
For an Owned or DSD item configuration, refer to Step 6 and onward in this article.
For a DSV item configuration, refer to Step 6 and onward in this article.