Updated 4 months ago by Merch Transformation Change Management
As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.
Setup is not yet supported in Item 360 for: Assortments, Import Shippers (General Merchandise), Pharmacy, and Fees. Please continue using your current processes (e.g., legacy workflows or systems).
If you use a data pool provider to publish synced item info with GDSN, complete the steps below after you publish your content to Walmart. Using GDSN is recommended (but not required) to set up items in Item 360.
From the Setup Hub, you can view details of your new GDSN publications and complete setup of shippers directly in Item 360 or items by downloading a spreadsheet.
View New GDSN Publications
In the left navigation menu, click Setup.
All of your new GDSN publications will be listed. Each card represents one publication and its trade item hierarchy.
You can export the data for up to 5,000 publications in a read-only spreadsheet. Click the check box on the cards to select the publications. Or, use the GTIN Search bar or filter to narrow down the list. Then, click Export above the first card on the page.
To find specific publications, click the GTIN Search bar and enter up to 5,000 GTINs.Or, click the Filter icon to find new publications by the Information Provider GLNs tied to your Supplier ID, the Supplier Name/Number, or the Publication Date(s).
View Details
Click the three dots at the bottom right corner of the card. Then, click View Details.
The details page shows the Published GTIN, Information Provider GLN tied to your Supplier ID, Supplier Name(s), Publication Date, Publication Type, and Country / Target Market. The Trade Item Details section shows the GTIN, Quantity, Dimensions, and Weight of each Trade Item in the hierarchy. You'll also see which Trade Items are Consumable and/or Orderable.
If there are impacted items associated with the publication, you'll see an overview of each item. Click the links to view all of the items in the Catalog or to view the Item History for a single item.
To complete setup, you can click the link at the top right of the publication details page. Or, see the instructions in the following section.
Complete Setup
To complete setup of a single GDSN publication, click the three dots at the bottom right corner of the card. Then, click Complete Setup.To complete setup of multiple GDSN publications, click the check box on the cards to select the publications. Then, click Complete Setup above the first card on the page.
If the publication's trade item hierarchy has a shipper and an item, tell us what you are completing setup for: Shipper or Item. Then, click the Continue button.
If you select Shipper, you'll be taken to Step 3 of How to Set Up a Shipper in Item 360 and we'll pre-populate the Parent GTINs. For Items, continue with the following steps.
Your answers to these questions will determine which attributes are included on your pre-populated item setup spreadsheet. First, provide the Item Details.
Will these items be sold in stores? Select Yes or No.
Select No to create an Online Only Item.
How will the items be shipped?
If your items will be sold in stores, you can select Ship to Walmart FC, DC, or Store under Owned or Direct Store Delivery under DSD.
If your items will not be sold in stores, you can select Ship to Walmart FC, DC, or Store or Digital Delivery / eDelivery under Owned or Ship to Customer or Digital Delivery / eDelivery under DSV.
Do NOT select Digital Delivery / eDelivery if your items are tangible (i.e., physical) products.
Select a Supplier Name / ID for the items: Start typing the name in the search bar, and select from the options.
Select a Contract Number from the options.
You can add a second supplier by clicking the circled "+" sign. If you only have a single Supplier ID and/or Contract Number, we'll pre-populate them in read-only fields.
Click the Next button.
The grid shows all Trade Items in the hierarchy for each publication. Select an Orderable Trade Item and a Consumable Trade Item for the configuration you are setting up.
To set up multiple configurations at a time, hover over the left side of the grid and click Add Another Configuration.Then, select an Orderable Trade Item and a Consumable Trade Item for each configuration. If the Orderable or Consumable Trade Item is the same for all of the configurations that you're setting up, you can make the selection in the Apply to All section at the top of the grid.
Click the Next button.
Select the Product Type that best describes each of your items (e.g., Baby Activity Centers).
Click the Download button to start downloading your spreadsheet.
Complete and Submit the Spreadsheet
Each spreadsheet for Owned and Direct Store Delivery (DSD) items has a Product Type tab (e.g., Product Content And Site Exp) and a Trade Item Configurations tab. Each spreadsheet for Drop Ship Vendor (DSV) items only has a Product Type tab. For each item, make sure you provide all required attributes on all editable tabs. The Main Image URL is required for all Categories except Apparel. Videos can be uploaded using a Rich Media maintenance spreadsheet (after setup is complete) or through Connected Content Partners.
Refer to the Data Definitions tab (if available) for attribute definitions and requirements. If your spreadsheet does not have a Data Definitions tab, refer to Row 6 below the attribute names. For more details, read Understanding the Item Setup Spreadsheet. You can submit a partially completed spreadsheet and provide missing required info later in the Activity Manager.
To submit your file in Item 360:
Click Upload in the left navigation menu.
Select Spreadsheet.
Click the Next button.
Select the file from your computer.
Provide an activity description.
Click Submit.
If you are setting up items on behalf of distributors, you cannot submit the file in Item 360. Please email your item setup spreadsheet to your Walmart Merchant to submit.
Currently, shared items are set up with two different item numbers – one for Walmart stores and one for walmart.com. In the future, shared items will use the same item number for both.