Catalog - Item Configurations View

Updated 5 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.

There are multiple ways to view the Catalog. You can set a default view and customize your catalog to your preferences. The Item Configurations view shows one card for every Walmart Item Number.

The Products view shows one card for every GTIN or UPC. The Assortments view shows one card for every assortment parent by the Walmart Item Number. The Shippers view shows one card for every shipper parent by the Walmart Item Number.

The following functionality and features will help you find and update Item Configuration data faster:

You can find specific item configurations using the Product ID search bar next to the filter icon.

For tips on searching for Product IDs that have special characters (e.g., Supplier Stock Numbers with spaces or commas), refer to the instructions in this article.

Copy and paste up to 5,000 Product IDs in the search bar. Remember to select the ID Type you’re searching for multiple item configurations (all of your Product IDs must be the same type). You do not need to select an ID Type if you’re searching for only one item configuration. Then, click the Apply button.

Product IDs entered in the search bar will carry over if you switch catalog views (e.g., from the Item Configurations view to the Products view).

Show all associated Variants

To view cards for all items in your variant group, enter 1 of the Product IDs in the search bar and click the check box next to Show all associated Variants.


  1. Click the Filter icon to narrow down your list of item configurations.
  2. The filters are organized into groups: Custom Attributes, Hierarchy & Classification, Product Content, Supply Chain, Cost & Price,, and Dates.
  3. Click on the filter name (e.g., Product Type) to enter and/or select values. When you've made all of your selections, click the Apply button.
    To remove a selected filter, click the blue "x" next to it. To remove all selected filters, click Clear All at the bottom of the filter panel.

Filters that appear in gray are not relevant to the Item Configurations view of the Catalog. For example, Content Improvement is only applicable when viewing Products.

Filter Group


Custom Attributes

These filters are only applicable when viewing Products

Click here to learn more about adding custom filters, which allows you to browse for items by attributes that are not in the predefined filters

Hierarchy & Classification

Department / Fineline, etc.

  • Accounting Department
  • Category Group
  • Category
  • Subcategory
  • Fineline

Product Type

Product Category

Product Content

Product Name

Shelf Description


Brand Code


Customer Reviews

Content Quality

Supply Chain

Supplier / Seller Name or ID

Buying Region

Item Configuration Status

Item Type / Subtype

Fulfillment Method


Warehouse Alignment

Cost & Price

Unit Cost

Retail Price Price

Publish Status

Unpublished Reasons

Online Orderable

Item Relationships


Item Creation Date

Item Effective Date


The cards provide valuable info about individual item configurations at a glance. Across the top of each card is the Walmart Item Number (the unique ID for the item configuration), the Product Name, and the Status of the item configuration.

You can select up to 12 attributes to appear on the item cards. Click the vertical dots next to the Product ID Search bar and select Customize item cards.



Accounting Dept, Fineline

The financial department under which the item is ordered or replenished and the fineline number created by merchandising to group items more specifically.

Buying Region

The region of the item ownership:

  • 0 - Corporate items that are shared among all regions (used if selling both online and in stores)
  • 1 - Alaska
  • 2 - Hawaii
  • 3 - Puerto Rico
  • 6 - eCommerce

Corporate Replenishable

Indicates if the item is re-orderable by the stores.

DSV - Available to Sell Inventory

The available to sell inventory – which is determined by the on-hand quantity minus the reserved, backorder and buffer quantity – across all eligible DSV facilities.

DSV - On-Hands Inventory

The on-hand quantity of the item across all eligible DSV facilities.

DSV - Total Reserved Inventory

The reserved, backorder and buffer quantity of the item across all eligible DSV facilities.

Fulfillment Method

The fulfillment method for the item configuration (e.g., DSV, DSD, Warehouse, Season Warehouse, Assembly Distribution, Promo, Import Warehouse, Import Seasonal, Import).


The 14-digit Global Trade Item Number, including the check digit, that identifies the consumable (i.e., sellable) unit.

Item Effective Date

The date that the item is valid and/or replenishable for the store.

Item ID

The Product ID assigned by Walmart that appears at the end of the item page URL.

Item Type / Subtype

Indicates how the product is ordered and delivered to the store.

Last Changed

The date that the item configuration was last modified.


The email address of the Walmart merchant for the item.

Online Replenishable

Indicates if the item is re-orderable for eCommerce.

Orderable Pack GTIN

The 14-digit Global Trade Item Number, including the check digit, that identifies the pack ordered from a supplier and shipped to a Walmart facility.

Orderable Pack Qty

The quantity of sellable items in the orderable pack (e.g., Casepack).

If the orderable pack is a break pack, you’ll see the Breakpack Qty in parentheses.

Product Category

The category under which the item was set up. If you need to change an item attribute, you will only be able to edit those available for this category.

Supplier Stock Number

The number that appears on the Walmart in-store label to identify the item to customers.


The 6-digit ID and name of the supplier for the item configuration.

Unit Cost / Retail Price

The price that Walmart is paying the supplier per unit (i.e., what the vendor gets paid). / The price that Walmart customers pay for an item.

Vendor Contract #

The last 3 digits of the vendor unique 9-digit ID (also known as the Supplier Agreement Number).

Warehouse Alignment Code

The warehouse location indicated on purchase orders for merchandise that has different needs during distribution.

Card Actions

Click the three dots at the bottom right corner of the card for links to more information and actions.


You can export the catalog data, and the limit varies depending on whether you want to download a pre-defined list of attributes (Basic Export), select attributes to download (Custom Export), or download and edit attribute values (by maintenance category).

  1. Use the Product ID Search bar or filters to narrow your results (if needed), or select individual items by clicking the check box next to the image on the card.
  2. Click Export above the first card, and select the type of export you want.

Read Exporting Catalog Data in Spreadsheets for more information.

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