Multibox Item FAQs

Updated 2 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.

Below are answers to common questions about multibox items.

Multibox should only be used for items that will always be sold together and be shipped from one location. If items can be sold separately, then work with your Merchant to create a non-config bundle to set up the items.


1. Which departments are eligible for multibox items? If my department is not currently supported, how can I get this enabled for my department?

See the currently supported departments in the table below. To add a department, please contact your Walmart merchant and provide a business use case. Your merchant can then create a ticket to the Item Operations team. If the use case is justified, the Item Operations team will work with the Item Transformation team to enable multibox item setup for the department requested.

Supported Departments


Department Numbers

Baby Furniture



12, 71, 72

Garden & Patio

12, 16

Sport & Recreation Other

09, 51





2. Can I set up a multibox item for a 1P and a 3P/Marketplace item?

Multibox item setup in Item 360 supports 1P items.

Multibox item setup in Seller Center supports 3P items. Note that 3P items must be fulfilled through Walmart's distribution network (i.e., Walmart Fulfillment Services, WFS).


1. Do I need a GTIN for a multibox item? I didn’t need one when setting up an inflex kit in the past.

Yes, all multibox items now require suppliers to provide a GTIN for the sellable unit (Walmart is not the owner of the multibox GTIN per GS1 industry guidelines). 

The sellable unit should have a unique GTIN different from the component items.

2. Why does my setup request say the GTIN already exists in the Catalog?

This validation only applies to non-import items: Multibox items require the sellable GTIN to be net-new (i.e., unique in the catalog). If there is an existing item in the catalog with the GTIN you provided during setup, it cannot be created as a new multibox item.

For import items: The supplier will set up the component items through Supplier Quote and the merchant will create a ticket to the Item Ops team to flip the inflex kit = Y. Then, the supplier can proceed with submitting the multibox item setup in Item 360. The multibox parent item does not need to be pushed through the Supplier Quote process.

3. What do I do if my multibox item setup request gets an error for WERCs assessment required?

It can take up to 10 days for Walmart to review and approve the item once the WERCS assessment is completed. If it has been more than 10 days since the assessment was completed, file a case ticket to Partner Support (select Walmart Stores regardless of your actual channel to ensure the ticket routes to the correct team). 

For WERCS support, email


1. How do I add additional images to multibox items?

Use the imagery workflows in Item 360:

2. Why doesn't my item appear on after creation?

The multibox item may not appear on the site for a number of reasons (e.g., does not meet publishing criteria, missing inventory). Find the multibox item in the Catalog to view the unpublished reasons.

3. How do I add inventory to a multibox item?

Suppliers can add inventory through Item 360 or Supplier One. 


1. How do customer reviews appear on the Product Detail Pages for multibox items?

Customers may provide a review on the item page for the Item ID once their order is placed.


1. Do we need to store all the inventory in the same FC/DC?

Yes, multibox items that are actively replenishing should be fulfilling through the same location/node. If the items aren't in the same location, inventory must be consolidated into one node.

2. How do suppliers know to ship each box?

When the order is placed, suppliers will receive a PO for each component item. 

3. What appears on the POs for DSV orders?

We are looking into this and will provide an answer soon.

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