Do I Need a New GTIN?

Updated 5 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.
If an incorrect GTIN is assigned to any level of an item (Sellable, Orderable, Each, Inner Pack, etc.), you will need to set up the item again to correct the issue and generate a new Walmart Item Number.

What principles determine when I need a new GTIN?

Global industry standards state that the change of a pack quantity will require a new GTIN for that quantity hierarchy level. This standard was put into place while GS1 reviewed the management of GTINs using three guiding principles (below). At least one of the guiding principles must apply for a GTIN change to be required. 

  1. Is a consumer and/or trading partner expected to distinguish the changed or new product from previous/current products?
  2. Is there a regulatory/liability disclosure requirement to the consumer and/or trading partner?
  3. Is there a substantial impact to the supply chain (e.g., how the product is shipped, stored, received)? 

Additional Resources

GTIN Management Rules

For more information about global industry standards, please refer to these scenarios on the GS1 website.

  1. New product introduction
  2. Declared formulation or functionality
  3. Declared net content
  4. Dimensional or gross weight change
  5. Add or remove certification mark
  6. Primary brand
  7. Time critical or promotional product
  8. Pack/case quantity
  9. Pre-defined assortment
  10. Price on pack

Additionally, suppliers can utilize the Decision-Support Tool. This interactive guide will assist you in determining if there is a need for a new GTIN based on your selections.  

Have questions?

If you are unsure how to obtain a new GTIN or have additional questions regarding the standards, please contact GS1 through phone or email at the details here.

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