GTIN Basics

Updated 3 weeks ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Here's an overview of GTINs and barcodes, how to get them from GS1, what they mean in item hierarchies, and how they determine pack sizes. Get tips to avoid common issues, and find additional resources.

History of GTINs and Barcodes

Over 50 years ago, industry leaders agreed to use a “universal product code” for product identification. This unique identifier was, and still is, called the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN).

Around that same time, GS1 helped the grocery industry develop the barcode. GS1 is a global, not-for-profit information standards organization that facilitates industry collaboration to help improve supply chain visibility and efficiency through the use of GS1 Standards, the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world. The innovation of GTINs and barcodes:

  • Made it possible to electronically scan and capture information about a product at the point of sale.
  • Created quicker grocery store checkout and improved inventory management.
  • Laid the foundation for eCommerce.

Data Syncing

Refer to our GDSN FAQs to learn how item information flows between GS1 and data pool providers, and how that data gets published to Walmart's systems.


A barcode is a machine-readable code formatted as a printed pattern of parallel lines of varying widths representing numbers. It is located on and identifies a product.

The barcode is the symbology, and the GTIN is the data structure.


A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a globally unique 8- to 14-digit number used to identify trade items, products, or services.

For Walmart, 14-digit Consumable GTINs/Each GTINs must start with a 0 (zero). This rule also applies to shipper and assortment prime GTINs. We are working on solutions to relax this rule in the future.

Consumable GTINs

There are four types of Consumable GTINs (aka Sellable GTINs):


An 8-digit compressed barcode.

A GTIN-8 is the only type of GTIN that can be used in an EAN-8 barcode.
GTIN-12 (aka UPC)

A 12-digit barcode most commonly used in North America and globally to track trade items in retail stores and eCommerce (can be zero suppressed as shown in the top barcode below). A GTIN-12 is also called a Universal Product Code (UPC).

A GTIN-12 is the only type of GTIN that can be used in a UPC-A barcode.
To use a GTIN-12 in Item 360, add two leading zeros at the beginning of the number so that it is 14 digits total.

A 13-digit barcode most commonly used in Europe. A GTIN-13 is also called an International or European Article Number (EAN).

A GTIN-13 is the only type of GTIN that can be used in an EAN-13 barcode.
To use a GTIN-13 in Item 360, add one leading zero at the beginning of the number so that it is 14 digits total.

A 14-digit barcode used to represent shipping packs.

A GTIN-14 cannot be used in an EAN or UPC barcode.

Packaging Level

Indicates the level of the product packaging, e.g., Case, Pallet, etc.

Number System Character (NSC)

Denotes the Category or Product Type:

  • 0, 1, 6, 7, 8, or 9: Regular grocery and all General Merchandise
  • 2: Price embedded, variable weight (pre-weighed), e.g., meat and produce
  • 3: Health-related and pharmaceutical items
  • 4: In-store, in-house, non-food items
  • 5: Coupons

Company Prefix

Assigned to a supplier by the GS1 organization (formerly the UCC)

Product Identifier

Assigned to each product by the supplier and should be unique to the product

Check Digit

Derived through a calculation using all previous characters to ensure accuracy

Non-Consumable GTINs

There are two types of Non-Consumable GTINs (aka Non-Sellable GTINs) that are only used for higher-level packaging. These should never be used for a selling unit:

GTIN-14 (Code128)

GTIN-14 (ITF-14)

Obtaining a Company Prefix

GS1 Company Prefixes vary in length. The number of digits support the number of GTINs that will be needed.

  1. Go to
  2. Click UPC, Barcodes & Prefixes in the top navigation menu, and select How to get a UPC Barcode.
  3. Estimate your barcode and product identification needs.
  4. Decide which size GS1 Company Prefix is right for you.
    Pricing shown above as of January 9, 2023, and subject to change. Please refer to the GS1 US website for the latest company prefix pricing.
  5. Fill out the online application.

GTIN Ownership

  • The manufacturer or brand owner determines how to assign GTINs.
  • The receiver (recipient) depends on the manufacturer or brand owner to ensure uniqueness.
    • This applies to all levels of the hierarchy – even non-consumable, higher-level packaging.
  • Contract manufacturers obtain GTINs from Walmart:
    • Private Label Brands
    • Private Label Programs
    • Walmart-owned products
    Contact your merchant for Walmart-issued GTINs.

Reserved GTIN Ranges

GTIN-12 Barcode

If the GTIN-14 begins with...


It is reserved for Retailer use (i.e., Walmart will create 004, aka 4000 or 40-type UPCs for testing purposes). These should NOT be printed on actual products.


It is GS1 reserved for future use (previously coupon codes).

Image coming soon!

002/02x (i.e., 2 is the second or third digit)

In North America, it is reserved for price-embedded PLU Numbers only.

Price-embedded 14-digit Consumable GTINs must be structured as: 002/02x + 5-digit PLU Number + 00000 + check digit.
If your product should not have a price-embedded GTIN, make sure it does not have a 2 as the second or third digit so it scans correctly at the point of sale.


A Trade Item Hierarchy (aka Trade Item Configuration) consists of multiple GTINs linked together to represent a product's packaging levels.

GTIN Assignment Methods

  • Each level of the hierarchy is assigned a unique GTIN that represents the packaging level and the quantity contained at each level.
    • In Item 360, the Warehouse Pack is called the Inner Pack. 
  • In order for a level of the hierarchy to be consumed/sellable, it must start with a leading zero.
  • Your Trade Item Hierarchy does not have to have all four packaging levels (e.g., it could just have an Each and a Case).

Multiple Configurations

Multiple configurations can exist within a Trade Item Hierarchy. The image below shows how a single sellable product can be associated to multiple higher trade items. 

Pack Sizes

Pack size is determined by the number that you provide in Item 360 for the Quantity of Sellable Units in the Case GTIN section.

A product is shipped to the warehouse/store as the ordering unit and selling unit.

A product is shipped to the warehouse/store as the ordering unit and case unit.

A product is shipped to the warehouse as the ordering unit (e.g., a case), which then needs to be opened at the Walmart DC to send the next lower Trade Item (e.g., an inner pack) to the store.

The attribute Is a Break Pack? should also be set to Yes.
Item configurations that are Replenishment Item Type 07 or 37 cannot be break packs since these configurations are direct to store deliveries.
For more details about Trade Item Configurations, refer to Understanding Trade Item Configurations and Dimensions.

Complex Hierarchies


An assortment consists of multiple items that ship together in the same carton (e.g., similar types of pillows or various colors of T-shirts). This hierarchy provides the ability to link together similar items with multiple GTINs/UPCs as well as a way to order and ship the right combination and quantity of merchandise to Walmart stores.

  • Each assortment has a Parent Item and Child Items. All of these items are identified by unique GTINs and are assigned unique Walmart Item Numbers.
Assortment Parent Item setup and linking functionality is not yet supported in Item 360. 

Parent Item

Child Items

The Item used as a single point of reference for the Child Items (like a family)

The Item Numbers under a Parent Item that represent each variation on the product

Replenishable or non-replenishable

Interchangeable because the Child Items must have the same unit cost and retail

Attached to modular

Quantities can be adjusted for specific replenishment needs if it matches the Parent quantity


A shipper consists of multiple items that ship together in the same carton (e.g., various sizes of sunscreen or a mix of school supplies). This hierarchy provides a way to order and ship the right combination and quantity of merchandise to Walmart stores.

  • Each shipper carton has a Prime Item and unique Content Items. All of these items are identified by unique GTINs and are assigned unique Walmart Item Numbers.
Setup for Import Shippers is not yet supported in Item 360. Please continue using your current processes for Import Shippers.

Area of the Business



Placed on the Prime Item for features, initial sets, and PDQs


Remains for each item (the Prime Item does not hold inventory)


Each Content Item may have its own shelf space


Available for each (the shipper item is not a selling unit)


Each Content Item may be replenishable


Prime item reflects total cost/retail for a carton; Content items reflect individual values

Supplier GTIN Management

Supplier-branded goods must use their own GTINs.

If you need help, refer to Do I Need a New GTIN? for guiding principles, GTIN management rules, and how to contact GS1.

Walmart Private Label GTIN Management

Walmart owns a number of GTIN ranges

GS1 research

  • Through direct range purchases, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships, Walmart controls usage of well over 400,000 Consumable GTINs.
  • We have recently purchased additional GTINs for future use.

Walmart Private Label Brands

For true Walmart private label, use of Walmart’s GTIN ranges is OK.

GTIN QTY Standards

Follow the standards outlined in the rest of this article. A GTIN should only represent one specific configuration of a product.

Tips to Avoid Common Issues with GTINs

  1. Ensure items are attached to the correct GTINs. Remember that a GTIN must represent only one product packaging level.
  2. Ensure the GTIN is printed correctly on the product.
  3. Review product images to ensure they are attached to the correct GTINs.
  4. Review retail differences for the same product.

Additional Resources

GS1 US Website

GS1 US Customer Service


Phone: 1-937-435-3870 (Weekdays, 8 AM to 6 PM ET)

1WorldSync Customer Support


Phone: 1-866-280-4013 (Weekdays, 8 AM 8 PM ET)

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