Item Setup and Management APIs

Updated 5 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, allow suppliers and sellers to view and provide large amounts of data quickly and accurately.

The Walmart Supplier Team is excited to launch new and updated item setup and management APIs for suppliers who already use them, or want to start using them, to set up and maintain items without logging in to Item 360/Supplier One. Using APIs is optional, and there are many benefits for you and 3rd-party Content Service Providers who use APIs on your behalf. 

Below is an overview of item setup and management APIs that you can use to view and provide data to Walmart.

What Has Changed?

APIs for item setup and maintenance by product type aligns standards, reduces confusion, and enables you to meet Walmart’s expectation at scale​:

  • Alignment of API functionalities and data requirements with Item 360/Supplier One: The APIs align the data (attributes, values, definitions, etc.) to what you see in Item 360 and the Style Guides. You can:​
    • Set up an item for any channel (including store) via API.
    • Maintain all attributes (product content, images, and supply chain) for items across all channels.
  • Separate setup and maintenance files: Item setup and maintenance are performed using separate Feed Files. This clarifies the required attributes and object while increasing the performance of maintenance activities. Additionally, it allows for a single maintenance file to be used for any item, regardless of channel.
  • Updated item identifier (WIN) used in supply chain maintenance for increased accuracy:
    • All item maintenance was previously performed using SKU as the primary identifier, which created gaps for omnichannel business where a supplier can sell an item to Walmart in multiple format/configurations.​
    • Item maintenance for supply chain data now uses the primary identifier of Walmart item Identifier (WIN). This ensures the proper item configuration is updated.

Documentation on Developer Portal

Frequently Asked Questions

Bulk Item Setup Using APIs

1. Can I upload this feed file yet? 

This Feedtype is now accepted in the Bulk Item Update endpoint. Check out what's new and find documentation in the Developer Portal.

2. Why have we launched item setup by product type for API-based suppliers?  

This launch aligns what you can use via APIs to the functionalities and attributes that are available in Item 360/Supplier One. This includes: 

  • Increased relevancy of attribution, defined at a product type level, to drive content quality score improvements.   
  • Aligning attribution used for compliance reasons.

Allowing you to set up and maintain store items using APIs is also coming soon.

3. Can I use the same feed file to set up items sold via different channels (i.e., DSV vs. Owned)?

No, there are unique feed files for each channel that you are setting up items in. 

This is due to unique required objects and attributes, which vary by channels across all product types.

4. Can I use bulk item setup APIs to set up complex item hierarchies or variant groups? 

The bulk item setup APIs are only used to set up single items. To set up complex item hierarchies, you must continue using Item 360/Supplier One for Shippers and Online Item File for Assortments.  

The bulk item setup API can be used to set up variant groups to combine similar items of the same brand and style – that vary on at least one product attribute – into a single item page.

5. Which channels can I set up items in using APIs? 

  • We have released item setup using APIs for items sold via eCommerce only, either through a Drop Ship Vendor or directly to a Walmart Fulfillment Center or Distribution Center.
  • At a later date, we will work toward releasing the API for setting up items sold in Stores.

6. Can the same feed file be used to set up and maintain items?

No, there are now separate feed files (commonly called Specs) to set up and maintain items. This is to: 

  • Clearly define required attributes in each submission.  
  • Simplify item maintenance (which typically does not vary by channel).

7. Can I set up items across multiple product types in the same submission?  

Yes, you can set up items across multiple product types in a single submission. You must indicate the specific product type for each item in the “Visible” object of the feed file submitted.  

8. Does attribution vary by product type? 

Yes, different attributes are required for each product type.  

The attribute requirement levels and the different value lists change based on the product type selected during setup.  

9. Do product types vary across channels? 

No, product types are consistent across channels. This includes the product types available (with minimal exceptions) and the attributes included for each product type. 

10. Which format do the item setup by product type feed files support?

Item setup by product type feed files only support JSON. The feed file are written adhering to draftV7 standards. 

11. Does this change my integration with Walmart Bulk Update (Feed) integrations? 

No, item setup by product type is only a different feed file. The feed file upload, status checking, and checking the publishing status processes remain unchanged. 

12. How often will the feed file be updated?

We are currently anticipating releasing an updated version of the feed file every 6 months.  

13. When will the legacy feed file no longer be supported?  

The “Supplier Full Item” feed file is no longer supported as of May 1, 2024.  

14. Can I still submit any unstructured attribute in the item setup feed file?

No, the Additional Product Attributes bag is no longer supported for item setup and management via API (or in Item 360/Supplier One). The feed file only supports the submission of attributes defined in the schema.

15. Where can I find the item setup by product type feed file schema?

You can find and download the item setup by product type schema in the Developer Portal when the documentation updates are released.

16. Where can I gain a better understanding of the product types? 

The available product types and their definitions can be found using the Product Taxonomy API. This organizes the product types into like categories and product type groups (PTGs), and provides a unique definition for each product type.

Bulk Item Maintenance Using APIs

1. Can I upload this feed file yet? 

This Feedtype is now accepted in the Bulk Item Update endpoint. Check out what's new and find documentation in the Developer Portal.

2. How does this relate to what can be maintained in Item 360/Supplier One by suppliers? 

This new Item Maintenance Feed File aligns the attributes provided in the API schema with the attributes asked for in Item 360/Supplier One.   

This now enables you to update all Supply Chain data (including across all channels) – DSV and all Owned items – including the item trade item configurations.

3. Why has Walmart released a specific Item Maintenance Feedtype?

This is to both simplify the item maintenance integration process (the feed file schema now clearly indicates requirement levels) and enable suppliers to maintain any item while only submitting the item identifier, which: 

  • Reduces the item schema payload size.
  • Increases Walmart’s item processing time.

4. Which attributes are required in the maintenance? 

The only required attribute is the item’s primary identifier for the type of update. All other attributes are optional and should only be included if there is a change from Walmart’s current item record.

5. What type of data can be maintained in the Item Maintenance Feedtype?  

Suppliers can use the item maintenance to maintain two main types of data: 

  1. Product content and offer / order attributes (including imagery)  
  2. Supply chain data 

6. Can I maintain a store item using this feed file?   

Yes, this feed file can be used to maintain all items (DSV and Owned – both online and stores).  

Item product content is channel agnostic, and you can update the supply chain data for any channel. However, you must first select the correct object (different attributes are available by channel). 

7. Do product content and supply chain maintenance use the same item primary identifier? 

No, there are two different primary identifiers that are used for updates:  

  • Product Content: Requires the Item identifier (i.e., GTIN). 
  • Supply Chain: Requires the Walmart Item Number (i.e., WIN).

8. What is and how do I find my Walmart Item Number (WIN)? 

The WIN is a unique identifier assigned to every item configuration that you sell to Walmart. You may have multiple item configurations for the same item (i.e., Item = a detergent pen; Item Configuration 1 = a case of the pens; Item Configuration 2 = a pallet of the pens).  

The WIN is assigned once an item is set up successfully. You may find the WIN via API using the Search for an Item API and setting the query parameter to “include all details”=”True”, or you may look up the item in Item 360 to find the WIN(s) associated to each item identifier.

9. Can I update items across multiple product types in the same submission? 

Yes, you can update items across as many product types as you would like in the same submission (up to 5,000 items). They must include the item, define the item’s product type in the feed file, and update the applicable attributes.

10. Can I submit product content and supply chain updates in the same submission?

No, you can only submit updates to either product content or supply chain attributes in a submission.

11. I don’t understand what supply chain object to select.

You must submit the Supply Chain Maintenance Object that aligns to the item’s type. There are three different objects:  

  • Drop Ship Vendor (DSV): Items that are shipped to the customer directly from the supplier’s facility. 
  • Online: Items that are only sold online at 
  • Store: Items that are sold in store (may also be sold online).

12. How do I understand what Supply Chain maintenance Object to select?

You can view the channel for the item by using the Search for an Item API and looking at the “Item Configuration” object. There is an attribute called “channelSold”, and the value of the “channelSold” attribute aligns to a maintenance Supply Chain Object.

Attribute Value 

Supply Chain Object 







13. Are there any business approvals supported currently in the approval process?  

No, currently item maintenance via API does not support any business approvals (i.e., content updates). If the item update is not going to be shown as the top-rated attribute, we reject the submission and provide a data error:  

  • Would you like to have content submissions reviewed? Then, submit the update via Item 360/Supplier One. 
  • Item maintenance via API is expected to start supporting reviews and approvals by the end of FY '24.

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