Updating Country of Origin and Walmart Factory IDs

Updated 5 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.
Maintenance is not yet supported in Item 360 for: Assortments, Import Shippers (General Merchandise), Pharmacy, and Fees. Please continue using your current processes (e.g., legacy workflows or systems).

You can export a spreadsheet in the Maintenance Hub to update the Country of Origin and/or Walmart Factory ID(s) of your items.

Attribute Name


Country of Origin

The country where the item and/or its components are manufactured, produced, or grown.

Walmart Factory ID

The ID number of the factory where the item will be manufactured (for items requiring factory disclosure to Walmart).

  • Factory IDs can be obtained by disclosing facility information in Retail Link. Click here to learn more.
  • If you change Factory ID(s) after an item is successfully set up, make sure to update the item in Item 360 using the instructions in this article.
For items that require factory disclosure, you must provide a valid Walmart Factory ID (i.e., do not enter "None" as you will receive an error and cannot complete item maintenance).
If factory disclosure is not required for your item, enter "None" for the attribute value.

Create and Export Your Spreadsheet

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Maintenance. Then, click the Item Configuration & Supply Chain tile.
  2. Copy and paste up to 5,000 Walmart Item Numbers in the box. Then, click the Next button.
  3. Select Export custom set of attributes.
  4. Open the Source & Destination drop-down menu, and select the attribute(s) you want to update: Country of Origin and/or Walmart Factory ID.
  5. Click the Download button.

Complete and Submit Your Spreadsheet

  1. Open the spreadsheet. Provide the new value(s) for the Walmart Factory ID(s). Select the Country of Origin from the drop-down list. You can find attribute definitions and data requirements in the row beneath the attribute names.
    If you need to add more columns for Walmart Factory ID or Country of Origin in your spreadsheet, follow these steps:
    1. Select the entire column for the existing attribute (e.g., Walmart Factory ID 1, Country of Origin 1), then right click and select Copy.
    2. Select the entire column to the right of the one you copied, then right click and select Insert Copied Cells.
    3. Update the number in the attribute name, e.g., Walmart Factory ID 2, Walmart Factory ID 3, Country of Origin 2, Country of Origin 3.
    By default, the spreadsheet will be named with the date and time it is created. Remember to save the spreadsheet in Excel Workbook, or .xlsx, format when done.
  2. To submit your file in Item 360:
    • Click Upload in the left navigation menu.
    • Select Spreadsheet.
    • Click the Next button.
    • Select the file from your computer.
    • Provide a maintenance description.
    • Click Submit.

Track Your Changes

Read Track Your Activities.

Need to File a Case Ticket?

Please contact Partner Support. For detailed instructions, refer to this article.

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