Export and Update Store Cost Attributes in Bulk

Updated 4 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.
Maintenance is not yet supported in Item 360 for: Assortments, Import Shippers (General Merchandise), Pharmacy, and Fees. Please continue using your current processes (e.g., legacy workflows or systems).

The Cost Change Scenario application no longer supports cost changes. You may export a spreadsheet in the Item 360 Maintenance Hub to update cost attributes for store and shared items at the Corporate or DC level.

New processes for Direct Store Delivery (DSD) suppliers

  • Corporate cost changes for DSD items no longer take overnight to update.
  • With this change, cost changes will be made effective in store based on the date keyed in for the cost effective date.
    • For example: If you provide a cost effective date of 4/20/23, the cost change will be in store on 4/20/23.
  • This enhancement does not change how store-specific cost is submitted through EDI, nor does it affect the cost timing for items that flow through the warehouse.
  • Warehouse and vendor-managed pricing items/suppliers should continue using existing processes to provide cost changes.

For questions about this change, please create a support ticket.

Which Attributes Can You Download in this Export?

Store Cost

These attributes allow you to update costs for store and shared items at a national level regardless of store or warehouse location.

Store Cost > Attribute Group

Store Cost > Attribute Names

Cost > Cost (orderablePackCost)

  • Orderable Pack Cost
  • Supplier Recommended Retail ($/unit)
  • Effective Date
  • Expiration Date

Cost > Cost Drivers (costDrivers), Cost Drivers 1 (costDrivers), Cost Drivers 2 (costDrivers)

  • Cost Driver
  • Cost Driver Percent Change
  • Cost Driver Portion of Item Cost

Supply Item > Trade Funds (tradeFunds)

  • National List Cost ($/unit)
  • Efficiency Discount ($/unit)
  • Accrual Rate (%)

DC Cost

These attributes allow you to update costs for store and shared items at a warehouse or distribution center level. These costs depend on warehouse location.

Remember to provide the DC Number for each cost update in your maintenance spreadsheet.
If an item routes through a High Velocity DC, you will receive the DC Cost template regardless of the item type. You can update the Corporate cost for the item by entering National under the DC Number column. If you only update Corporate cost, then the DC Cost will remain at the current value. The impact will be visible in POs cut incorrectly.

DC Cost > Attribute Group

DC Cost > Attribute Names

Supply Item > Trade Funds (tradeFunds)

  • National List Cost ($/unit)
  • Efficiency Discount ($/unit)
  • Accrual Rate (%)

Cost > Cost (orderablePackCost)

  • Prepaid Cost
  • Collect Cost
  • Supplier Recommended Retail ($/unit)
  • Effective Date
  • Expiration Date

Cost > Cost Drivers (costDrivers), Cost Drivers 1 (costDrivers), Cost Drivers 2 (costDrivers)

  • Cost Driver
  • Cost Driver Percent Change
  • Cost Driver Portion of Item Cost

Export Your Spreadsheet

  1. In the left navigation menu, click Maintenance. Then, click the Cost tile.
  2. Copy and paste up to 5,000 Walmart Item Numbers in the box. Then, click the Download button.

Complete and Submit Your Spreadsheet

  1. Open the spreadsheet and fill in the new values for the store cost or DC cost attributes. You can find attribute definitions and data requirements in the row beneath the attribute names.
    1. If your items are sold in stores or shared, you'll get the Store Cost maintenance spreadsheet.
    2. If your items are sold in stores or shared AND are eligible for cost updates at the warehouse or distribution center level, you'll get the DC Cost maintenance spreadsheet.
    If you need to add another cost driver, insert three blank columns after the existing Cost Drivers attribute columns. Then, copy Rows 3-6 for Cost Drivers 2 and paste them into the same rows of the blank columns. Change the number in the attribute name so that it is in sequence: Cost Drivers 3. You can repeat this process as needed to include all of the cost drivers.
    By default, your spreadsheet will be named with the date and time it is created. Remember to save your spreadsheet in Excel Workbook, or .xlsx, format when you're done.
  2. To submit your file in Item 360:
    • Click Upload in the left navigation menu.
    • Select Spreadsheet.
    • Click the Next button.
    • Select the file from your computer.
    • Provide an activity description.
    • Click Submit.

Track Your Changes

Read Track Your Activities.

Please allow up to 60 days for your cost update to be approved. If the activity has had the Walmart Action Required status for more than 60 days, file a case ticket and Partner Support will reach out to the merchant on your behalf. 

Need to File a Case Ticket?

Please contact Partner Support. For detailed instructions, refer to this article.

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