Style Guides for the Business & Industrial Category

Updated 1 week ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.

We’ve recently launched a new WEBSITE for Content Standards.

Here you will find answers to questions about Image Specifications, Image Types, SEO, Copy Guidelines, Rich Media, CCPs and more.

The images, copy, attributes, and rich media you provide are critical in helping our customers make their purchasing decisions.

You need to use these style guides to accurately set up and maintain your items in the Product Type Groups below for the Business & Industrial category.

Product Type Groups (PTGs) are a group of similar Product Types with like attributes.

  • If you have trouble determining which PTG your Product Type falls under, please refer to this spreadsheet and filter down to your Product Type to see which style guide you should look for.

Additionally, all the Product Types included in each guide are listed in the second column. If you do not see your Product Type listed, please check back regularly to find your style guide. New and updated style guides are added weekly.

To learn how to effectively use a style guide, please complete our Style Guide 101 course in the Retail Link Academy.

In Item 360, you can now download a Rich Media maintenance spreadsheet to provide asset URLs for 360 spin images and videos. All other rich media modules will need to go through a third-party content partner.

Accessing the Style Guide PDFs

The PDFs are only available on Supplier Help. Log in to view this article with links to the PDFs.

Product Type Groups

Product Types Included

Style Guide

Drum Container Handling Equipment

Drum & Pail Heaters, Drum & Pail Lids, Drum & Pail Mixers, Drum & Pail Openers & Closers, Drum Pumps

Coming soon!

Electronic Components

Attenuators, Digital Signal Processors, Electromechanical Controllers, Electronic Chokes, Electronic Coils, Electronic Crystals, Electronic Ferrites, Fiber Optic Connectors, IO Modules, Lightning Rods, Microprocessors, Motion Actuated Switches, Motor Contactors, Motor Drives, Motor Starters, Optoelectronic Displays, Optoelectronic Lamps, Printed Circuit Boards, Radio Communication Filters, Semiconductor Interfaces, Semiconductor Timers, Solenoids, Switch Encoders, Transducers, Transistors

Coming soon!


Solar Cells, Solar Panels, Wind Turbine Blades, Wind Turbine Motors, Wind Turbine Systems, Wind Turbine Towers

Coming soon!

Hydraulics & Pneumatics

Air Cylinder Sensors, Air Cylinder Speed Controllers, Flow Switches, Replacement Hydraulic Cylinders

Coming soon!

Lab Chemicals

Bioreagents, Chemical Acids, Chemical Bases, Chemical Buffers, Chemical Solvents, Chemical Standards, Electrolyte Solutions, Lab Analytical Balances

Coming soon!

Lab Equipment

Autoclave Accessories, Autoclaves, Autoradiography Film, Beakers, Bunsen Burners, Dermatoscopes, Desiccants, Desiccator Accessories, Desiccators, Dispensing Bottles, Electrophoresis Systems, Electroscopes & Van de Graffs, Flasks, Homogenizer Accessories, Hydrometers, Lab Agar Media, Lab Filters, Magnetic Stirrers, Medical Pinwheels, Medical Reflex Hammers, Pipette Tips, Pipettes, Pipettor Accessories, Pipettors, Reagent Bottles, Syringe Pumps, Titrators, Vacuum Pumps, Vials, Wash Bottles

Coming soon!

Lab Utensils

Lab Cell Scrapers & Spreaders, Lab Dissecting Equipment & Kits, Lab Samplers, Lab Scalpel Blades, Lab Scalpels, Lab Sharps Containers, Lab Spoons, Spatulas & Scoops, Lab Syringe Needles, Lab Syringes, Lab Test Sieves

Coming soon!


Lab Chromatography Column Packings, Lab Chromatography Solid Phases, Lab Chromatography TLC Plates, Lab Condensers, Lab Bath & Test Tube Trays, Lab Baths, Lab Boiling Stones, Lab Burettes, Lab Carboys, Lab Centrifuges, Lab Chromatography Columns, Lab Chromatography Paper, Lab Chromatography TLC Developing Tanks, Lab Distillation Apparatus, Lab Evaporators, Lab Furnaces, Lab Glassware, Lab Glassware Washers, Lab Heat Blocks, Lab Heating Mantles, Lab Immersion Heaters, Lab Incubator Accessories, Lab Incubators, Lab Microplates, Lab Sample Bags, Lab Shaker Accessories, Lab Shakers, Lab Specimen Collection Containers, Lab Supply Dispensers, Lab Thermal Cyclers, Lab Vacuum Chambers, Lab Vacuum Traps, Labware Closures

Coming soon!


Beading Machines, Textile Machinery

Coming soon!

Microbiology Supplies

Microbiology Cell Culture Media, Microbiology Media Additives, Microbiology Susceptibility Testing Equipment

Coming soon!

Raw Materials

Carbon & Graphite Raw Materials, Ceramics Raw Materials, Foam Board, Glass Raw Materials, Metals, Plastics Raw Materials, Rubber Raw Materials, Sand, Shims & Shim Stock Raw Materials, Stone Raw Materials, Textile Raw Materials

Coming soon!

Scientific Instruments

Calibration Setting Rings, Calibration Surface Plates, Electroporators, Fluorometers, Anemometers, Barometers, Calibration Weights, Calorimeters, Gas Monitors, Homogenizers, Luminometers, Multiparameter Meters, Osmometers, pH Meters, pH Test Strips, Refractometers, Spectrometers, Spectrophotometers, Turbidity Meters, Viscometers

Coming soon!

Store, School, Restaurant & Business Supplies

Display Cases, Gridwall Bases, Gridwall Panels, Hand Dryers, Janitor-Housekeeping Carts, Mannequins, Necklace Bust, Oxygen Absorbers, Poly Bag Dispensers, Poly Bags, Recycling Bins, Restaurant Booth Seats, Retail Display Cases, Sanitary Products Receptacles, Shopping Carts, Stanchions, Take-Out Containers, Vending Machines

Coming soon!

Testing & Measurement Equipment

Borescopes, Calibration Standard Rods, Calibration V-Blocks, Capacitance & Resistance Meters, Chart Recorder Paper, Chart Recorder Pens, Chart Recorders, Circuit Tracers & Analyzers, Colorimeters, Combustion Analyzers, Component Testers, Data Loggers, Dimensional Measurement Gauges, EMF Meters, Frequency Counters & Pulse Generators, Function Generators, Gage Balls, Gage Block Accessories, Gage Blocks, Hardness Test Blocks, Hardness Testers, Hygrometers, Inspection Mirrors, Logic Analyzers, Manometers, Micrometer Heads, Micrometers, Ohmmeters, Oscilloscope Accessories, Oscilloscopes, Pressure Transmitters, Solar Radiation Meters, Spectrum Analyzers, Stroboscopes, Sunshine Recorders, Temperature Indicators, Test Probes & Leads, Thermal Imaging Cameras, Thermohygrometers, Thermowells, Vibration Meters

Coming soon!

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