Get an Item (Read Item) API

Updated 5 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

As of September 18, 2024, U.S. suppliers are automatically redirected from Item 360 to Supplier One for item and inventory workflows. Suppliers who also sell in Canada and category advisors will continue using Item 360.

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, allow suppliers and sellers to view and provide large amounts of data quickly and accurately.

The Walmart Supplier Team is excited to launch an updated item read API for suppliers who already use it, or want to start using it, to search for a new item and view the item data without logging in to Item 360. Using APIs is optional, and there are many benefits for you and 3rd-party Content Service Providers who use APIs on your behalf. 

Below is an overview of the Get an Item API that you can use to view data currently in Walmart's catalog.

What Has Changed?

A new version of the READ Item API has launched to align Supplier APIs to the data available to you in Item 360/Supplier One:

  • Enhanced search capabilities: You can now search for an Item via the API using several different Product Identifiers: SKU, GTIN, EAN, ISBN, Item ID, and Walmart Item Number (WIN).
  • Additional meaningful attributes for suppliers are included: Updated attributes captured in the API response include key data required to support your business, such as: Main Image URL, Brand, Content Quality Score, and URL.
  • Full item and insight visibility: You can now choose to access all item data available in Item 360/Supplier One via API, including: ​
    • All Product & Offer attributes.
    • All Item Configurations, including the Walmart Item Number and all supply chain attributes. 
    • Content Quality insights and recommendations used to improve the Content Quality Score.
    • Variant data.

Documentation on Developer Portal

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why have we released this API? 

This API has been updated to provide you with the same information about your items that is available in Item 360/Supplier One. This enables you to: 

  • Get all attributes available in Item 360/Supplier One via the API – including all product attributes, Item Configurations, and variant details.
  • Receive content quality insights and recommendations on how to improve the score via the API.

2. Has the “Get all items” API also been updated? 

No, the “Get all Items” API is not currently planned on being updated due to payload size limitations via a sync experience. 

We are only supporting the full item payload for a single item. If you would like to have a bulk download of all items, we have released updated “on-request reporting” with all applicable item information. 

3. What format is this supporting? 

This version of the API only supports JSON. 

4. Which Product Identifiers are supported for search? 

This release of the “Get an Item” API supports search by GTIN, ISBN, EAN, Item ID, and Walmart Item Number (WIN) in addition to SKU. 

5. Which additional attributes will be supported?  

There are 10 additional attributes included in every response: Variant Group ID, Brand, Main Image URL, Product Short Description, Unpublished Reasons, Item Page URL, 1P Buy Box Winner, Site Dates (Start & End), Customer Rating, # of Customer Rating, Content Quality Score. 

6. Have any attributes been removed from the payload? 

Yes, the following attributes have been removed from the payload: Mart, WPID, and UPC. 

7. What type of API is this? 

This is a Sync API endpoint, meaning you get to request an item ID and are provided a response.

8. What happens if an item is not assigned a Product Type? 

If the item does not have a Product Type assigned (i.e., value is null), the Additional Product Attributes Object will not be present.

9. How do I know which attributes are present in the “Additional Product Attributes” object? 

The attributes returned in this section are specific to the Product Type of the item. You can find which attributes may be present for each item by finding the Product Type Object in the Item Maintenance by Product Type feed file schema. 

10. Can there be multiple insights per attribute? 

Yes, a single attribute can have multiple insights.

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