Register with WERCSmart
Q: How do I get started with WERCSmart (WERCS)?
A: Suppliers must first create a WERCS account. Following are steps for creating a WERCS account:
- Go to
- Click Sign In in the upper-right corner.
- Click Create Company Account.
- Type in your company email address and then confirm your email address (the email address you use will be your company’s “administrator” email for the purposes of the WERCS account. You will be able to allow other users to use the account, but this registration email address will be the administrator user account). As the administrator, you are the person WERCS will contact with questions or when items are placed on hold, etc.
- Fill in your company’s contact information and your WERCS administrator’s contact information.
- Click Log In. Use the email address and password you just used to set up the account; verify the account using the code sent to your email address. If you do not receive the verification email, please contact the Helpdesk.
When a Supplier creates a WERCSmart account, a help desk (Kayako) login is automatically created and provided to the Supplier via email.
Suppliers will also need to ensure their My Account page is appropriately updated with all of the required information to help them manage their account. The following are important action items to take:
Additional Users
By clicking Create User Account from the menu on the left side of the screen of the My Account page, you will be able to add additional users, including additional administrators for your account.
Distributor Accounts
If you want other people in your company (or another company) to be notified regarding activity with the account (such as new product registrations), you can add those people to the email notifications. On the My Account Page on the left menu, you will see a link to manage email notifications. You can assign people to notifications based on the particular retailer.
Email Notifications
If you want other people in your company (or another company) to be notified regarding activity with the account (such as new product registrations), you can add those people to the email notifications. On the My Account Page on the left hand menu, you will see a link to manage email notifications. You can assign people to notifications based on the particular retailer.
Adding a Walmart Vendor ID to your WERCS account
You must add your Walmart Vendor ID to your account to complete a registration for (see My Account page, left hand menu link to Manage Supplier ID; you MUST add your Walmart Vendor number here). If you are a direct ship vendor (DSV) and requesting other manufacturers or suppliers register a product on your behalf, they MUST add your Walmart Vendor ID to their account on the My Account page. Multiple Walmart Vendor IDs may be added to an account.
At this point, you may now register your product.
Q: I have a question for WERCS, how do I get in touch with them?
A: There are multiple ways to get help with WERCS:
- Before starting a registration with WERCS, view some tutorials to get familiar with WERCS -
- For more resources, click here -
- To file a Help Desk ticket, click here -
- You can also reach out to them directly via their Live Support. Live support is available at (518) 720-6220 or 877-642-6753 and response is based on operator availability, from 8:30am to 5:30pm Eastern, Monday through Friday. You may leave a voice mail and a representative will return your call at the earliest opportunity.