RFID Helpful Files and Resources

Updated 1 month ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

Here are helpful files and resources to reference for detailed instructions as you, your technical partners, and supply chain/manufacturing teams implement RFID.

For additional GS1 US and Walmart Private Brand Packaging resources, refer to RFID Support.

Auburn University RFID Lab

General questions


Companies that can provide RFID Lab ARC-approved RFID Inlays

Inlay Manufacturer Contacts: https://rfid.auburn.edu/inlaycontacts/

Submission Form


Submission Guide

Auburn RFID Submission Guide 2023 0619.pdf

ARC website


Case studies

Tagging Feasibility by Packaging/Item Type

(2024 RFID Workshop)

Tagging Solutions 2024 0212.pdf

  • These solutions can be applied to any department (not just D10 Automotive)


Walmart RFID - General Questions


FY24 RFID General Merchandise Expansion Phase 2 Kickoff - Presentation Deck

Supplier RFID Summit - GM Phase 2.pdf

Onboarding Checklist - Workflow to Implement RFID


RFID Packaging Resources

Companies that can provide RFID Packaging:

We highly recommend referring to these packaging resources before you check out the GS1 and Auburn University RFID Lab / ARC resources.



RFID_FAQs_Final (2.03.2023).pdf

RFID Arrival Tracker Submission Guide (for tracking products shipped to a Walmart FC or DC)

RFID Tracking Guide 2022 1014.pdf

For Technical Partners

RFID Serialization

Developing an RFID Serialization Plan.pdf

EPC Encoder/Decoder Tool


EPC Symbol Request


For Supply Chain/Manufacturing Teams

RFID Location Guide

RFID Tag Location Guide 2023 0301.pdf

Fashion Apparel RFID Location Guide

GS1 Fashion Apparel Implementation Guide 2020 1023.aspx.pdf

Tagging Location Photo and Video Guide

Tagging Location Photo Video Guidelines.pdf

Packaging Decision Tree

RFID Packaging Decision Tree 2023 0215.pdf

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