Which Attributes Can Be Edited by Suppliers?

Updated 8 months ago ​by Merch Transformation Change Management

To determine which attributes can be edited by suppliers in Item 360, the recommended best practice is to export the maintenance spreadsheet with the attributes or go to the single item maintenance workflows in Item 360.

Suppliers do not have visibility to which attributes can be edited by Walmart associates in iSAM.

When Downloading Spreadsheets

We recommend exporting a custom set of attributes. This allows you to open the drop-down menus to select the attributes you want to edit. If an attribute says "(Read Only)", it can be viewed but not edited.

In Spreadsheets

  • If a value appears in a white cell in your spreadsheet, it is editable.
  • If a value appears in a gray cell in your spreadsheet, it is read only and cannot be edited.

In Single-item Workflows in Item 360

  • If a value appears in a white field, it is editable.
  • If a value appears in a gray field, it is read only and cannot be edited.


  • Category advisors do not have the ability to edit imagery or rich media.
  • Some attributes may only be editable by suppliers in Item 360 (i.e., associates may not be able to edit these attributes in iSAM).
  • You can always use the Attribute Finder in Item 360 to search an attribute name. The results will show the attribute definition, data requirements, and maintenance category.

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